Dental Implants

If you are living with one or more missing teeth, it can be difficult to enjoy your favorite foods. Even worse, if one of those missing teeth is in the front of your mouth, it can ruin your smile. Over time, your other teeth will shift in place to fill in the gap left behind by one or more missing teeth, and that can throw your bite off or even change the shape of your face! Fortunately, modern dental technology provides several ways to replace missing teeth. One of the most popular methods are dental implants. Dr. Loveless is pleased to provide implant services to his patients from throughout the Austin, TX, area.
before and after dental implants
Actual Patient

What You Should Know about Dental Implants

The process involved in getting a new dental implant does take some time, but most dental patients agree that it’s well worth the wait! Implants are permanent, meaning they can’t be removed by the patient. Best of all, an implant looks, feels and functions just like a natural tooth. And implants don’t require any special care. In fact, a patient with one or more implants can simply take care of them in exactly the same way they would with their natural teeth – by brushing and flossing every day.

The process begins when Dr. Loveless implants a metal rod into the jawbone of the patient, in the location of the missing tooth. That metal (typically titanium) gradually bonds to the bone tissue after a few months. After that, Dr. Loveless permanently affixes a porcelain crown to the top of the implant. The result is a new artificial tooth that is extremely durable. In fact, most implants last the patient for a lifetime!




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