Sedation Dentistry

Cosmetic dental procedures can leave you with a beautiful smile, and that can make you feel better about yourself and improve the overall quality of your life! But for some people, the thought of going through any kind of dental appointment produces nothing but anxiety and dread. If that has kept you from having the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of, we have good news: Dr. Loveless provides a variety of sedation dentistry methods designed to make his Austin, TX, patients feel completely at ease during their trips to our office!

Types of Sedation Dentistry

At Bridgeview Dental, we know that every patient is different. That’s why we offer a wide variety of sedation methods. So no matter how nervous or anxious you might be, we have the solution! Dr. Loveless can help you decide which of these methods is right for you:
  • Local anesthesia – Dr. Loveless uses a local anesthesia to numb the area in your mouth that he’ll be working on during your procedure. This is provided for almost all of our patients, unless they can’t tolerate the anesthesia. For some cosmetic procedures, local anesthesia isn’t even needed!
  • Nitrous oxide – Also referred to as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide provides comfort for patients who experience relatively low levels of anxiety in the dentist chair. You’ll remain completely awake during the procedure, but you’ll feel very much at ease. Most patients feel slightly silly, which is why this form of sedation is called “laughing gas.” You’ll be able to drive yourself to your appointment and, because the effects wear off quickly, you’ll be able to drive home afterward as well.
  • Oral sedation – Patients who experience more anxiety will benefit from oral sedation. Dr. Loveless prescribes a mild sedation drug that the patient takes before the procedure. Although you’ll be awake throughout your visit, you’ll feel totally relaxed and probably a little sleepy. You’ll need a ride to the appointment since you’ll be taking the sedation beforehand, and it’s usually a good idea to have a ride home as well.
  • General anesthesia – This form of sedation dentistry is provided for patients who will be undergoing oral surgery, or for procedures that will take an extended period of time to complete. Under general anesthesia, you’ll be asleep throughout your visit. We always recommend that the patient stays in our office until the anesthesia completely wears off

Contact Us

To find out more about our cosmetic dentistry services and how we can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted contact our Austin, Texas office today and schedule an appointment with Dr. Loveless.
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