Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Having a full set of functioning teeth is something that most of us take for granted. But for some of our Austin, TX, area patients, that’s not the case at all. For people who have lost their teeth due to gum disease or some other medical condition, for people who need to have their teeth extracted for whatever reason, for people whose teeth have been worn down, or for people who have experienced a traumatic injury, having a full set of functioning teeth can be a life-changing experience. That’s why Dr. Loveless is pleased to offer full mouth reconstruction services to his patients.

actual patient
Actual Patient

Full Mouth Reconstruction Defined

before and after full mouth reconstruction
Actual Patient

It’s hard to pinpoint an exact definition of full mouth reconstruction because it will vary greatly from one person to the next. In fact, a full mouth reconstruction is a plan created by Dr. Loveless specifically for each individual. This custom plan is implemented one step at a time, typically over a period of many months. Depending on the patient’s needs and goals, a reconstruction typically consists of a combination of cosmetic and restorative procedures. For people who are missing some of all of their teeth, reconstruction may include dental bridges and/or implants and dentures. For people whose teeth have been worn down, dental bonding may be part of the plan. The first step, however is always the same: to meet with Dr. Loveless for an oral exam and consultation. 

Are You a Candidate for Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Although there are a variety of reasons why a dental patient may be a good candidate for full mouth reconstruction, there are some people who are most likely to benefit from these services, including:

  • People who have experienced accident or trauma
  • People with severe tooth decay throughout the mouth
  • People with worn-down teeth
  • People who have lost teeth due to gum disease




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