
Modern dentistry give patients and dentists a variety of options to choose from when it comes to enhancing the appearance of a person’s smile. One product that has become increasingly popular over the past several years are Lumineers®. When you learn more about this amazing dental technology, you’ll understand exactly why it’s such a popular choice and why Dr. Loveless is pleased to offer Lumineers® to his patients from throughout the Austin, Texas area.

Important Facts about Lumineers®

Many people come to see Dr. Loveless to improve the appearance of their smile. Some of the most common problems are badly stained teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, misshapen teeth, teeth with wide gaps in between, and teeth that have eroded enamel. These issues are easily resolved with Lumineers®. This remarkable dental technology involves applying an extremely thin layer of dental porcelain directly over the surface of the patient’s natural teeth. This material creates an absolutely beautiful-looking tooth surface, instantly fixing many of the issues mentioned above. But Lumineers® do much more than improve the appearance of teeth – they also provide protection for the patient’s natural teeth and last for several years.

The Differences between Lumineers® and Porcelain Veneers

Lumineers® and porcelain veneers are very similar in many ways. Both consist of a thin layer of porcelain material that is applied over the top of the patient’s natural tooth surface. But veneers require that the dentist remove a certain amount of enamel from the tooth surface before the veneer is applied. Once that enamel is removed, it can’t be restored – in other words, once you choose porcelain veneers, you’ll always need veneers to cover those teeth. Lumineers®, on the other hand, don’t require removal of tooth enamel before they’re applied, which makes them an attractive alternative to porcelain veneers for some patients. Lumineers® are very useful in correcting many cosmetic issues, but they may not be as effective as porcelain veneers in correcting problems that require reshaping of the tooth. Lumineers® are somewhat less expensive than veneers, but they also don’t last quite as long.

If you want to improve the appearance of your teeth, Lumineers® may be a great choice for you! To find out more, contact our Austin, Texas dentist office today and schedule an appointment with Dr. Loveless.




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